Japan pictures finally. But I would like to take a moment to seriously say Jincha (really) Blogger? Why is it so freakishly difficult to move pictures around? Don't mind me. My quarantine has gotten me a little crazy. I don't know how anyone could live under house arrest. I'm surprised I'm not talking to my imaginary friends yet.
By the way I don't have Swine Flu! My results came back negative! I was relieved for about two seconds until I was told they still think I might have it since I got my test before I spent the whole day with infected person number two. Yeah 3 of the 6 of us have it. But not me!! I'm showing no symptoms at all so hopefully I'm still in the clear.
For Japan we went to Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo. These are the pictures that I took. Soon I will be stealing pictures from others and may post another Japan pictures blog.

This is the Floating Garden. Basically a very tall building where you can see the whole city.

A butt shot of the Floating Garden.

We took a elevator half way there. Then this very long escalator ride the rest of the way.

From the some what top of the Floating Garden. It cost about 800 yen (100 yen roughly equals a $1. However their currency is stronger than the dollar I think) and we were on a budget.

Me in front of a bubble window. I think I look like I'm in front of a green screen.


Giant Hello Kitty. She really is every where.

We went on this giant ferris wheel at night. This is the view of Osaka.

Osaka at night.

These are fried octopus balls. Apparently very famous in Osaka. I didn't really like them. They were really mushy as if the batter hadn't completely cooked yet.

Dave was obsessed with this place. It was conveyor belt sushi. The place had just opened and it was 100 yen a plate. I think total we ended up with 21 plates or something. They had tasty salmon (my favorite) and some other strange things such as sausage on top of rice wrapped in a skinny piece of seaweed. Overall delicious.

This was in Kyoto. A Buddhist temple and was the first one we saw. I'm sad we didn't really get to see Kyoto much. It was a lot bigger then we had thought and spent a good 2 hours walking to still see pretty much nothing. After walking a long time it was nice to sit on the steps inside the temple.

I don't remember but I'm sure apart of the Buddhist temple. It was quite big.

This is where you take a brass cup with a long handle and rinse your hands as well as your mouth. This is to cleanse yourself before you pray.

Another temple? Same one.. I don't know they all look the same honestly.

This is Osaka Castle. It was quite the adventure to get there but a beautiful walk nonetheless.

Closer shot of the Castle.

I know this is why I need to post faster because I don't know where this from. But it's pretty haha.


A road that goes through a building. That's right cars go THROUGH the building. How would you like to work in that building?

Temple in Tokyo right near the hostel we were staying at. Also by our hostel was an amusement park. That was joyous...

More Temple at night.

There was this big aquarium outside of the Sony Building. I especially like this picture but I feel like, (is this a shark?), he is sad! He looks like he has no teeth and he just stayed right near the corner of the tank with his face pressed up against the glass. Poor thing :(

On our way to another temple.

These are wooden plates that you can write your wishes and gratitude to your family. Most of them wished for their parents prosperity and others about love in many different languages.

Funny sign in Tokyo subway.

The most AMAZING sink I have ever seen. Found in a Wendy's bathroom I believe. The far left is soap. The middle is water. The end is where you dry your hands. I love this sink!

Goodbye Japan!
Great pics. I especially like the subway sign. Embarrassing to get caught in the door. Funny.
Wow! thanks for the virtual tour! :)
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