Monday, June 30, 2008

Cheongdam ECC

Well all sorts of officialness. I got the contract for the Cheongdam ECC branch of YBM. They say this branch is in a very "trendy" "fashion forward" district. Yes very much like me... that is sarcasm.

Anyways I have to get to work in 15 minutes so I will leave you all with the website to take a gander at it yourself. Ugh now I need to go get a new wardrobe.

Don't get me wrong though I am very excited! :)

YBM Cheongdam Website

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I hate downtown Kansas City

Construction is awful here in Kansas City. Every single major highway is being worked on and all of downtown has road work being done as well. So getting my stupid police clearance apostilized sucked.

But I got it done! I have every single document needed to go to Korea! Amazing after all of this work I have everything that I need. I emailed the guy that I've been talking to and I'm hoping he will get back to me sometime today.

So close!

Monday, June 23, 2008

No Record of Convictions

Got my police clearance/background check. It was a pain in the butt because I had to have a "runner" who lives in Jeff City get it for me. To achieve this I had to give her my name, birth date and social security number. I realize all of these things are the recipe for identity theft but it was the only way I could get it fast enough.

Now I have to go to some place downtown and have the Secretary of the State sign it. I don't really understand how this works but whatever. But after that I'm all done and just have to send off all of my stuff to Korea or to the Korea embassy in Chicago so I'm not quite sure. I need to figure that out.

So my estimated leave date is mid August. It's coming up fast! I still have so much stuff to do.

Friday, June 6, 2008

I got my diploma!

Yay!! It's totally official. I graduated from college :).

Korea here I come!!