Friday, June 26, 2009

Extending no more

Well after seeing my hellish schedule and realizing that there was no way in hell that I would stay any longer then I have to, I have decided to not extend the one extra month I was thinking of doing. Yeah I figured it would be a good idea when I asked my boss if I could do it. I mean what's one extra month right? Then I see my new schedule and it's worse then it's ever been. And I'm thinking to my self "Self, why would I want to continue to work at a place that you have hated for 10 months now? Especially after getting your F-4 Visa you have the possibility to make a lot more money AND not be miserable for a month." Yeah self won that debate.

So there was this like epic talk between me and her. She of course brought up everything that she felt I had done wrong the entire 10 months that I have been there and I told her that I felt uncomfortable talking to her about anything. In the end I had to go to class, thankfully, but apparently what comes down to it is that she doesn't like me and that she lost any "trust" she had in me. Well, I've had no trust in her what so ever the entire time I've been here. So at least we're on the same level.

I know these next two months could either be extremely awkward or just a big game of who can not talk to each other more. I told the manager that after this conversation with her I refuse to talk to her any further. He told me that he tries not to talk to her too. That when he first got there they would get into arguments all the time and that he's thought about leaving this specific YBM a few times as well. So it's not just me that can't deal with her bitch ways.

Anyways I'm just excited for this next part of this craptastic experience "adventure" that I have had. I now know to ask a ton more questions. I know that if I am freakishly miserable at any job to go straight to the person incharge, talk to them, and if it doesn't change quit. The one thing that I have learned from all of this is that I will never stay at a job that I literally hate. I mean no one likes their job sometimes that just to be expected. But if I feel like this again, I'm going to be looking for a new job. Life is to short to be wasting it on a job that makes you so depressed you wish a car would hit you as you walked to work so that you wouldn't have to go in.

I'm hopefully getting my F-4 visa situated next Friday. I hope this time I have all the proper documents to get it so I'm not kicked out of the country when I quit YBM at the end of August (since my Southeast Asia trip doesn't start till end of September). I can't wait for Southeast Asia. I bought the lonely planet guide and have been flipping through it but not as much as my friend who I'm going with. I'm trying to budget as much as I can and am thinking I'll need about $2000 for the 6 weeks and that's very generous. I'm hoping to make it cheaper but I want to be on the safe side. The only problem is that since I'm quitting early I won't get an extra months pay and if I don't get part time work I'll just be spending money in September. As of right now I have about $1500 saved up but that means I won't have any left to send home to cover bills and stuff.

So... like I said before and will probably continue to say... if anyone would like to donate some funds for my trip I would appreciate it greatly!! I don't need birthday or Christmas presents (not that I really get them or expect them now a days.. geez I'm almost 24.. gross) but anything would be greatly appreciated.

After a year of all of this crap.. I need this vacation.


Third Eye Gypsy said...

Hey girlie,

I'm sorry to hear that you have had trouble with this woman the whole time you have been there. I'm sure there is some life lesson in this mess that will make you a better and stronger person later. We usually go through things in life like this to "prime" us for new situations.

Just start looking forward to your trip and make the best of the time you have left. Think of all of the things you love about Korea and make sure to do more of them before you leave. I am sure when you get back to the states you will still be thinking about the things you didn't do in Korea.

Love and miss you!


Rachael Quinn said...

Tell Eunice she needs to get laid