Happy One Day Late Birthday Mom!! Love you! :)Today was a field trip day for all of the Kinder Kids. We got to go to the Zoo. It kind of sucked actually because we didn't get to see many animals. We were all on such a time crunch. Anyways I got to be the teacher that lead Stanford around. These are the kids I teach about three times a day. They are older then Brown.

Group shot of the crazy kids.

D.C., who is the smallest. He is very smart and way cute. He's probably one of the better readers in the class. Reese, who is also smart but can be a tad annoying. She always says "It's to easy," on everything they have to do.

Alex, who has been crying for his mother the last few days. He gets to see her when he goes home but he will still cry all through class. Joey, who is like Jekyll and Hyde. One day he'll be really good and the next day he won't listen at all.

Anika, who only speaks Korean. Oh she knows English, she'd just rather not use it. She will burst into pretend sobs if anything happens to her. For example if her pencil breaks or something. Cindy, who is sweet. She's generally nice to everyone.

Allen, who is smart but has a short attention span. He has this weird obsession with holding all of his pens in his hands while he does his work. I guess to play with them the instant that he is done.

Sally, who can be the teachers pet one minute and then not want to listen to me the next. She has a lot of personality. Joy Han, who also speaks only Korean usually with Anika.

D.J., who is very smart and knows it. He always wants to read the most and give out the answers. James, who is a sweet heart deep inside but can be a pain. Sometimes he'll just come up to me and hug my side and then he'll sit down and won't work.

We are now on to the animal portion of the blog. These monkeys would just hang on to the cage and catch food people threw at them. All the kids kept saying they could see their butts. Personally I think their nipples look beat up.

Elephant who looked very lonely.

Polar bear who had a friend swimming in the water.

Monkey and baby

Lions. Just like in San Francisco they were just laying around. It was a little cold today.

Bears. The fences that separated us from the animals where actually very short. It was kind of scary.

Tiger all by his lonesome.
We saw a seal show after we got to see all 7 animals. It was alright. Some weird take on Snow White but the kids seemed to like it. While we walked around Joey wanted to hold my hand the whole time. I wonder if his mom told him to so he wouldn't get lost. All the other kids would take turns walking around holding my hand. Kind of cute except now I'm sure I will catch a cold from all of their germs. I will not get sick. I will not get sick!!
On a side note I wired $300 to my bank account back home and it cost me 400,000 WON. I'm so sad :(
Why did you have to wire money home?
Cool field trip! It's sweet they wanted to hold your hand. You should just wash your hands a lot and you will probably be able to avoid being sick ;)
They will not do a direct deposit to your account in the states?
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