Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween everyone! It started off nice and rainy. Felt like I was back home in Kansas City. So here are some pictures of the Halloween party. I hate how blogger makes it almost impossible to move pictures around. And I am to sick to make an effort to put them in sequence. So here you go in no particular order. I was a Hogwarts Student by the way.

Sally as one of the many Snow Whites. Alex as one of the many Ninjas.

Joey, Ninja

Joseph, Spider Man. Michael, Power Ranger. I didn't know they looked like that now.

DC, Ninja

Matthew, Batman? I wasn't for sure. Joseph again. They're both super cute.

Group shot of Brown class. I love Dave's smile.

Matthew, Joseph, Michael

Sally, Sleeping Beauty. Jinny, Snow White


Chris, Buzz Light Year. Super cute.

Apple, Snow White (and still crazy)

Justin, Broody Harry Potter

Allen, Alien

James, Death? He had a big ax or something but what's with the party hat?

Yun Jee and Jenny from Yale

Stanford Ninjas

Anika, Witch. Joy Han I don't know.

Sally again. She's one of my favorites.

And lastly a little message from Stanford.

1 comment:

Third Eye Gypsy said...

Super cute! Asians being ninjas? Imagine that ;)

Yeah, I hate how blogger won't post the pic where you have your cursor. I do a lot of cutting and repasting to get pics where I want ;)