Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No Internet Makes Me Sad

I still don't have internet at my apartment which means I'm secretly typing this during my "Free Talking" planning time. Not that I have much to update about. Class has been going fine. It's weird but I really feel like I'm starting to be a teacher. I had to pull a girl out of the class and talk to her. Crazy.

Today is Homoni's birthday. I need to call her.

Oh bell. Write more later.


Annette said...

Good grief! what a cluster! the only games I remember for 5 year olds are London Bridge, Ring Around the Rosie and Simon Says. I guess Liebe and Sally must have been pretty bored growing up, huh. Love, Annette

Third Eye Gypsy said...

Muahahaha for using the school internet ;) I really would miss the net! It's my fav!