This is the start of the pictures portion of the show. Me with the wooden Bobby Bearcat. Go Northwest.

I miss you long hair. Did I mention I cut off all of my hair. Me in my Hy-Vee outfit. Harry Potter woo!

The cute little girl I sat next to the whole way to Korea. After I took the picture she informed me that she didn't like flash but let me do it anyway.

Homoni! She is so thin now :(

Some mountain in Korea.

My room with my crap in it. You can't tell but the floor was nasty dirty.

The disgusting bathroom. Note the left side of the photo were it is gross and black. Yeah had to bleach the whole side and it still wasn't really clean.

Gross gross fridge. I scrubbed the hell out of that thing.

Another shot of the bathroom with the washer right there.

Seong Hwan Opa. Cousin.

Jun Gu

Emo! Note the peace signs in all the pictures.

My clothes hanging to dry. I miss you dryer!!
Sounds like payback to me. hahahhh
I'm just kidding, take it easy....
It's amazing to me how much your grandma and aunt look like your mom! Homini looks so different than the last time I saw her in 5th grade.
Ewww. I can't believe they gave you such a gross room :( I would totally die. There weren't bugs though right?
Yeah, what is the deal with all the peace signs? Japanese people do it too...
Brooke made a comment while I was showing her these pictures, and who is the guy with the cute butt in the picture of all your crap in your room?
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