Well it's actually Christmas Eve here in Korea. Natalie and I are going up to Nowon to buy groceries for the Christmas brunch we are planning to make for the guys. Then we are headed to Itaewon to get some Greek Food and sit in a coffee shop until Dave's play.
So I figured I'd let Brown Class send you a Christmas Greeting. They are 5 years old.
Edward was so cute on Tuesday. He kept saying that if Santa where a snake he would say Merry Christmas like this, and stick his tongue out. So here is a video of that. Then I just kept filming them before we had to do the homestudy workbook. I lost my voice the day before and was still recovering from it. That's why it's all scratchy.
I hope everyone has a great Christmas! Love you guys!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Secret Santa
We had our Seoul Family Secret Santa last night since a bunch of people are going away from Seoul during Christmas.
This is the whole family picture! From the left: Ryan, Michelle, Natalie, Bill, Me, Dave, Jess K, Jess S. My life would be very boring in Korea without these guys.
All the girls with our fluffy phone charms. We named them after characters from Twilight. Michelle has Emmett. I have Edward. Natalie has Carlisle. Jess K. has Jacob. Jess S. has Jasper. Bill was determined to steal our phone charms. He got Jess S's and then I let Jess hold on to mine for two seconds and Bill took mine. We got him back though.
My cute panda slippers and the lamb slippers I bought Natalie for Christmas.
Ryan with his "Grumpy Gramps Gin" that Natalie made for him. She is quite crafty. And yes that is Obama with a Santa beard.
Ryan doesn't know this but that is a girls sweater. He loved it though. He's all about thrift store clothing.
Dave got swim trunks for Guam from Ryan. They were very tight. Inappropriate to post.
Jess with her Canada hoodie from Bill.
Bill also got her a hat that matched a shirt he found. I'm still amazed at how he pulled that off.
Jess got Vodka from Jess S. Enough said.
Bill got Cranium from me. We love game night here.
I got Apples to Apples from Michelle. I LOVE this game almost as much as Cranium. She also got me a case for my DS and a crossword book. Thank you Michelle!!
Natalie got socks and some body wash stuff from Dave.
Michelle got a camera that takes four separate pictures on one picture. I don't know I was confused. We'll figure it out eventually.
So since Bill stole our phone charms Michelle had the great idea to saran wrap his underwear together. We couldn't find any at first so we wrapped them in foil and taped them. A prank war may now ensue.
Natalie wrapping up the underwear.
Before and after. This was at 5:30 in the morning. We tried to be quiet but everyone besides Bill woke up. At around 6 in the morning we all left to catch the subway back to our own beds.
"Lets put a happy face of condoms on the ceiling. Wait! Lets put a sad face!" -Natalie. During Rubber Seoul Bill and a couple of his other friends were trying to see how many condoms they could get from each bar. He got over 70.
Girls use to live in Bill's apartment and they had left pads there. So we took them and used them as decoration. Natalie grabbed them and it was a good thing she did because Bill had hidden our phone charms in the package.
Found them!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Last night we all went to this thing called Santacon. A bunch of people dressed up in Santa costumes going from bar to bar. In our typical group fashion we ended up getting separated from the main Santa group but we found them in the end.
My Seoul Family (minus Natalie). From the Left: Ryan, Jess K, Jess S, Bill, me, Dave
Love these guys.
The girls.
A picture at Jane's Groove with Santa's.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Bill in Wake Up 4
Happy Thanksgiving
Oh my gosh I just had the class I really can't stand. Today was just one of those days where I wanted to scream. And now I have all this bottled up annoyance. Alright here is how the conversations went down between Bill and I.
"Alright Bill, what does this word say" I ask pointing to the word "Hat."
He looks at it for about a minute and says, "Shirt."
"Really" I ask, "Is there an 's' there?"
He just kind of looks at me.
"Okay, how about we spell it out. What letter is this," I ask pointing to the "H."
A few minutes of staring, "L."
"No, L looks like this," and I draw it.
"No, G looks like this," and I draw it.
"No, J looks like this," and I draw it.
"No, I looks like this," and I draw it.
"Good it's an H! Alright now what is this letter next to it?" I ask.
And it just goes on from there. Eventually he spells out hat and then I ask, "Okay, now what does it say?"
"No." I say holding in my frustration.
"Teacher, shoe," he says.
The bell rings and I say, "It says hat Bill."
Where you annoyed reading that? Try living it. I think he needs to drop multiple levels. If he can't even tell me that that letter is an "H" he has obviously not learned anything. Or he just refuses to try which is equally as bad.
Anyways I've been in a crap mood lately. I got my new schedule and I'm still 9 to 7 Monday, Wednesday, Friday but now I'm 9 to 5:15 Tuesday, Thursday... Hooray... Oh and I added up my hours. We need over 105 hours a month to get over time. This month I'm at 102.7. Fabulous.
Hopefully Twilight is good and I can get over this poor me mood.
Edit: Twilight has been pushed back till December 11th. Point for you Life.
Oh my gosh I just had the class I really can't stand. Today was just one of those days where I wanted to scream. And now I have all this bottled up annoyance. Alright here is how the conversations went down between Bill and I.
"Alright Bill, what does this word say" I ask pointing to the word "Hat."
He looks at it for about a minute and says, "Shirt."
"Really" I ask, "Is there an 's' there?"
He just kind of looks at me.
"Okay, how about we spell it out. What letter is this," I ask pointing to the "H."
A few minutes of staring, "L."
"No, L looks like this," and I draw it.
"No, G looks like this," and I draw it.
"No, J looks like this," and I draw it.
"No, I looks like this," and I draw it.
"Good it's an H! Alright now what is this letter next to it?" I ask.
And it just goes on from there. Eventually he spells out hat and then I ask, "Okay, now what does it say?"
"No." I say holding in my frustration.
"Teacher, shoe," he says.
The bell rings and I say, "It says hat Bill."
Where you annoyed reading that? Try living it. I think he needs to drop multiple levels. If he can't even tell me that that letter is an "H" he has obviously not learned anything. Or he just refuses to try which is equally as bad.
Anyways I've been in a crap mood lately. I got my new schedule and I'm still 9 to 7 Monday, Wednesday, Friday but now I'm 9 to 5:15 Tuesday, Thursday... Hooray... Oh and I added up my hours. We need over 105 hours a month to get over time. This month I'm at 102.7. Fabulous.
Hopefully Twilight is good and I can get over this poor me mood.
Edit: Twilight has been pushed back till December 11th. Point for you Life.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Number 23
Thank you everyone that wished me a Happy Birthday. I wish I could report that my birthday was absolutely amazing, exciting and the best birthday but it kind of wasn't.
Not to be Debbie Downer about it and I'm really not trying to have a cry fest or anything I'm just telling it how it is. In the end I had decided that we go to Everland, a theme park type place like Disneyland. Well it was gray, cold and rainy the whole day. Everyone that went was in a horrible mood except my amazing friend Natalie who tried to cheer everyone up. We did ride this awesome wooden roller coaster. It was so much fun. But I have neck issues and today I remembered why I can't go on that kind of stuff anymore. My neck is so stiff lol. Darn getting old!!
Anyway we had been there for about 5 hours when I gave the okay to leave. We waited to get on the bus to take us back to Gangnam Station for an hour. Once we finally got on it we had to stand the whole way. Well actually we sat on the floor of the bus. We finally got home around 8.
All of us went back to my place to get ready to go out to Hongdae, where we all know and love. We got on the wrong subway at one point and ended up not getting there until after 11. By this point I was in a crappy mood and I was just waiting for it to be midnight so my birthday could be over and it could be a new day. We went to Club Via and then to one of my favorite places GoGo's. I met this nice Canadian guy who was stereotypically Canadian it was funny. He had only been in Korea for 4 days.
In the end we all met back up with eachother around 4:30 and headed to the subway cause it was supposed to be opening at 5. One didn't show up until around 6 though. Some fun high school drama occured during this time on the subway. Natalie and I finally made it back to my place at around 7 this morning and didn't even attempt to get up until after noon. All in all it was one of the most eventful birthdays I have had.
I did really start missing home though while in gloomy Everland. I wished that I could have be with my good friends and hang out at home or just being chill. I miss all of you guys! Love you!
Not to be Debbie Downer about it and I'm really not trying to have a cry fest or anything I'm just telling it how it is. In the end I had decided that we go to Everland, a theme park type place like Disneyland. Well it was gray, cold and rainy the whole day. Everyone that went was in a horrible mood except my amazing friend Natalie who tried to cheer everyone up. We did ride this awesome wooden roller coaster. It was so much fun. But I have neck issues and today I remembered why I can't go on that kind of stuff anymore. My neck is so stiff lol. Darn getting old!!
Anyway we had been there for about 5 hours when I gave the okay to leave. We waited to get on the bus to take us back to Gangnam Station for an hour. Once we finally got on it we had to stand the whole way. Well actually we sat on the floor of the bus. We finally got home around 8.
All of us went back to my place to get ready to go out to Hongdae, where we all know and love. We got on the wrong subway at one point and ended up not getting there until after 11. By this point I was in a crappy mood and I was just waiting for it to be midnight so my birthday could be over and it could be a new day. We went to Club Via and then to one of my favorite places GoGo's. I met this nice Canadian guy who was stereotypically Canadian it was funny. He had only been in Korea for 4 days.
In the end we all met back up with eachother around 4:30 and headed to the subway cause it was supposed to be opening at 5. One didn't show up until around 6 though. Some fun high school drama occured during this time on the subway. Natalie and I finally made it back to my place at around 7 this morning and didn't even attempt to get up until after noon. All in all it was one of the most eventful birthdays I have had.
I did really start missing home though while in gloomy Everland. I wished that I could have be with my good friends and hang out at home or just being chill. I miss all of you guys! Love you!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Looking back on the week
Well I thought this week was going to be horrific. One of my co-workers quit without giving any notice which meant that the rest of us had to cover his classes. I now teach 10 classes on Monday, 7 Tuesday, 9 Wednesday, 6 Thursday, and 9 Friday. I'm going to be getting 5 whole hours of over time this month. yipee.
So with my crazy overloaded schedule it really wasn't that bad. Yeah I was tired every single day I got off work, but being constantly busy made the day go by a little faster. Sometimes anyway.
Tuesday I went to Itaewon to meet up with some people. We ate pizza, watched some football, and I was back on the subway at midnight but missed my transfer subway. I had to take a taxi home but at least I made it home. Usually the starting price in the taxi is about 1900 won ($1.37 thank you widget currency converter) but at night it's 2800 won ($2.02). I was sad to find that out. However that is still relatively cheap.
Wednesday I got my birthday package from mom and dad. A pink Nintendo DS! I was so excited to play it that I got home and played my Sims Castaway game for two hours. They also got me the new Super Mario Brothers and some tasty mozzarella stick Goldfish. Yum. I love Goldfish.
Thursday was so slow. I went to E-Mart after work to get a floor mattress type thing, some couple of fleece blankets and some coffee. I hate going out there because I have to take a taxi there and back. I tend to get there fine but coming home is always a problem.
Today I couldn't wait for it to be over. I woke up anticipating this moment that I am in right now. I'm so glad it's over. All of my co-workers chipped in to get me some cake and make up from MAC. It's blue eyeshadow, some lip moisturizer and mascara. I obviously must look horrendous every day at work. Oh I forgot to mention I got a gift wrapped box of toothpaste from an anonymous person.
I'm just excited for the weekend. I'll post pictures and give stories later. That is if there is anything to tell.
So with my crazy overloaded schedule it really wasn't that bad. Yeah I was tired every single day I got off work, but being constantly busy made the day go by a little faster. Sometimes anyway.
Tuesday I went to Itaewon to meet up with some people. We ate pizza, watched some football, and I was back on the subway at midnight but missed my transfer subway. I had to take a taxi home but at least I made it home. Usually the starting price in the taxi is about 1900 won ($1.37 thank you widget currency converter) but at night it's 2800 won ($2.02). I was sad to find that out. However that is still relatively cheap.
Wednesday I got my birthday package from mom and dad. A pink Nintendo DS! I was so excited to play it that I got home and played my Sims Castaway game for two hours. They also got me the new Super Mario Brothers and some tasty mozzarella stick Goldfish. Yum. I love Goldfish.
Thursday was so slow. I went to E-Mart after work to get a floor mattress type thing, some couple of fleece blankets and some coffee. I hate going out there because I have to take a taxi there and back. I tend to get there fine but coming home is always a problem.
Today I couldn't wait for it to be over. I woke up anticipating this moment that I am in right now. I'm so glad it's over. All of my co-workers chipped in to get me some cake and make up from MAC. It's blue eyeshadow, some lip moisturizer and mascara. I obviously must look horrendous every day at work. Oh I forgot to mention I got a gift wrapped box of toothpaste from an anonymous person.
I'm just excited for the weekend. I'll post pictures and give stories later. That is if there is anything to tell.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A Normal Day
Nothing to terribly interesting has happened to me as of late. I've gotten into a routine in Korea which makes me sad. Work all week and then hang out with some people on the weekends. It's not a bad life. But I wish I could do some more interesting things while I'm here. I'm going on my 3rd month and I still feel as if I haven't really done anything. I guess being here is doing more then some people.
Today was my cousin Dong Hyon's birthday. All birthdays except for your 1st and I think 50th aren't that big of a deal in Korea. So I trekked my way to Uijeongbu and bought him a cake. I visited with my grandma for a little bit and then proceeded to eat way to much. Every time I go to my aunts house she feels it is necessary that I eat something every 2 hours.
Anyway so my Uncle and two cousins went to the sauna and my aunt and I went shopping for a winter coat. She said it would be my birthday present. I couldn't argue with that. We went looking around this underground shopping area but couldn't find anything. In the end we went to a Nike store and she bought me this purple coat. It was 185,000 won. I kept telling her no no no but she wouldn't listen to me. I'm probably going to stick at least 100,000 won in her checking account to pay for my phone bill plus a tiny bit for my coat. Ugh they spend way to much money on me and I feel bad.
We got back, I ate some of the cake and then an hour later we went out to eat again and started to feel sickeningly full. Oh yeah, I told my aunt I wanted to buy a guitar because I figure I might as well try and learn an instrument while I'm here. I miss playing music. So she just gave me one of the two that she has. I had to carry it on the subway and everyone kept looking at me.
Anyway now I'm home. I think I'm going to put in a movie and just relax until tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to going back to work.
Today was my cousin Dong Hyon's birthday. All birthdays except for your 1st and I think 50th aren't that big of a deal in Korea. So I trekked my way to Uijeongbu and bought him a cake. I visited with my grandma for a little bit and then proceeded to eat way to much. Every time I go to my aunts house she feels it is necessary that I eat something every 2 hours.
Anyway so my Uncle and two cousins went to the sauna and my aunt and I went shopping for a winter coat. She said it would be my birthday present. I couldn't argue with that. We went looking around this underground shopping area but couldn't find anything. In the end we went to a Nike store and she bought me this purple coat. It was 185,000 won. I kept telling her no no no but she wouldn't listen to me. I'm probably going to stick at least 100,000 won in her checking account to pay for my phone bill plus a tiny bit for my coat. Ugh they spend way to much money on me and I feel bad.
We got back, I ate some of the cake and then an hour later we went out to eat again and started to feel sickeningly full. Oh yeah, I told my aunt I wanted to buy a guitar because I figure I might as well try and learn an instrument while I'm here. I miss playing music. So she just gave me one of the two that she has. I had to carry it on the subway and everyone kept looking at me.
Anyway now I'm home. I think I'm going to put in a movie and just relax until tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to going back to work.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Please please please vote!
I'm depressed that I didn't fill out an absentee ballot but from what I heard they rarely count them anyway. I'm also depressed that I can't be apart of this amazing history that is happening right now.
So I shall live vicariously through those that vote.. specifically for Barack Obama. If you vote for McCain I'd rather not live through you.
Regardless please just go out and vote.
I'm depressed that I didn't fill out an absentee ballot but from what I heard they rarely count them anyway. I'm also depressed that I can't be apart of this amazing history that is happening right now.
So I shall live vicariously through those that vote.. specifically for Barack Obama. If you vote for McCain I'd rather not live through you.
Regardless please just go out and vote.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween everyone! It started off nice and rainy. Felt like I was back home in Kansas City. So here are some pictures of the Halloween party. I hate how blogger makes it almost impossible to move pictures around. And I am to sick to make an effort to put them in sequence. So here you go in no particular order. I was a Hogwarts Student by the way.
Sally as one of the many Snow Whites. Alex as one of the many Ninjas.
Joey, Ninja
Joseph, Spider Man. Michael, Power Ranger. I didn't know they looked like that now.
DC, Ninja
Matthew, Batman? I wasn't for sure. Joseph again. They're both super cute.
Group shot of Brown class. I love Dave's smile.
Matthew, Joseph, Michael
Sally, Sleeping Beauty. Jinny, Snow White
Chris, Buzz Light Year. Super cute.
Apple, Snow White (and still crazy)
Justin, Broody Harry Potter
Allen, Alien
James, Death? He had a big ax or something but what's with the party hat?
Yun Jee and Jenny from Yale
Stanford Ninjas
Anika, Witch. Joy Han I don't know.
Sally again. She's one of my favorites.
And lastly a little message from Stanford.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Ashley Versus Korean Hospitals
I usually don't mind blissfully going about life in Korea not understanding what people say, until I actually have to do something. So begins the horribleness of today. Well actually lets back up.
Yesterday I was supposed to go to my cousin Nahun's 1st birthday party. The 1st birthday party is a very big deal in Korea. Tons of food and just everyone getting together to celebrate that the child made it without dying. I couldn't sleep that night and by 7:15 my whole body ached and my throat hurt bad. So I texted Jun Gu and told him I wasn't going to be able to make it. He asked me what was wrong and after telling him told me I should go to the emergency room. I said I'm not that sick. So I laid in bed all day freezing one minute and then getting really hot the next.
At around 6 pm I get a text from Jun Gu saying that they were coming to give me fruit and see me. So I start cleaning up my place a little bit and him, his sister Di hun and their mom and dad all come into my room. They decide I need a heating mat for my bed. So they all leave to go to E-Mart. An hour later they come back with potato soup, a chicken salad, full length mirror and the heating mat. That thing gets extremely hot.
So this morning I woke up around 3 and couldn't fall back to sleep. I got up when my alarm went off and went to school miserable all day. Eunice let me take a sick class (I'm now down to 9 that I can miss boo) and leave early. The person that had to cover my class was not a happy camper. Oh well.
The directions she gave me were horrible and after walking around for an hour I finally found the place. I'm always emotional when I'm sick so I go to the 9th floor, where Eunice tells me to go, and my mom thankfully calls. I start crying and I just give the phone to the secretary. Come to find out I am not at the health clinic but at a plastic surgeons office. Thanks Eunice. Maybe I'll get that lipo on another day.
I go down to the 2nd floor where I tell them I need to see someone about my throat. It was very quick. No appointment. I sat down, a minute later I'm seen, I go into the doctors office where he looks in my throat and tells me I have tonsillitis. I can feel the sides of my throat are swollen but he refused to touch my neck. He says, "You still have your tonsils right?" "Yes" "Then you have tonsillitis." Genius medicine. . .
I get two shots in my butt, one on each cheek and then 6 packets of 4 pills each that I must take three times a day for two days. The Doctor visit was only 5900 won and my medication was 7800. Hopefully I will never have to go again.
Yesterday I was supposed to go to my cousin Nahun's 1st birthday party. The 1st birthday party is a very big deal in Korea. Tons of food and just everyone getting together to celebrate that the child made it without dying. I couldn't sleep that night and by 7:15 my whole body ached and my throat hurt bad. So I texted Jun Gu and told him I wasn't going to be able to make it. He asked me what was wrong and after telling him told me I should go to the emergency room. I said I'm not that sick. So I laid in bed all day freezing one minute and then getting really hot the next.
At around 6 pm I get a text from Jun Gu saying that they were coming to give me fruit and see me. So I start cleaning up my place a little bit and him, his sister Di hun and their mom and dad all come into my room. They decide I need a heating mat for my bed. So they all leave to go to E-Mart. An hour later they come back with potato soup, a chicken salad, full length mirror and the heating mat. That thing gets extremely hot.
So this morning I woke up around 3 and couldn't fall back to sleep. I got up when my alarm went off and went to school miserable all day. Eunice let me take a sick class (I'm now down to 9 that I can miss boo) and leave early. The person that had to cover my class was not a happy camper. Oh well.
The directions she gave me were horrible and after walking around for an hour I finally found the place. I'm always emotional when I'm sick so I go to the 9th floor, where Eunice tells me to go, and my mom thankfully calls. I start crying and I just give the phone to the secretary. Come to find out I am not at the health clinic but at a plastic surgeons office. Thanks Eunice. Maybe I'll get that lipo on another day.
I go down to the 2nd floor where I tell them I need to see someone about my throat. It was very quick. No appointment. I sat down, a minute later I'm seen, I go into the doctors office where he looks in my throat and tells me I have tonsillitis. I can feel the sides of my throat are swollen but he refused to touch my neck. He says, "You still have your tonsils right?" "Yes" "Then you have tonsillitis." Genius medicine. . .
I get two shots in my butt, one on each cheek and then 6 packets of 4 pills each that I must take three times a day for two days. The Doctor visit was only 5900 won and my medication was 7800. Hopefully I will never have to go again.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
For Grandma Sandi
And anyone else that wants my email address. (Sorry Grandma my Northwest account closed before I could write your email address down :( )
Nothing to terribly interesting has happened to me as of late. I have been trying to have a positive attitude towards my job and it's really working quite well. I don't know how long I'll be able to keep it up but I hope for another 304 more days :)
Every day I get up and say to myself "It's almost over," which I know is kind of weird but it's very positive thinking for me. It makes my day go by very quickly and I'm generally a happier person through out work.
This weekend I am on a winter coat mission. It's supposed to be in the 50's in the next couple of days. I don't know how quickly it gets crazy cold around here but I'm sure it will happen soon enough.
Oh I got a gym membership today at OK Gym. It was 210,000 won for three months which is only like $160 with the current exchange rate.
Nothing to terribly interesting has happened to me as of late. I have been trying to have a positive attitude towards my job and it's really working quite well. I don't know how long I'll be able to keep it up but I hope for another 304 more days :)
Every day I get up and say to myself "It's almost over," which I know is kind of weird but it's very positive thinking for me. It makes my day go by very quickly and I'm generally a happier person through out work.
This weekend I am on a winter coat mission. It's supposed to be in the 50's in the next couple of days. I don't know how quickly it gets crazy cold around here but I'm sure it will happen soon enough.
Oh I got a gym membership today at OK Gym. It was 210,000 won for three months which is only like $160 with the current exchange rate.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Gyeongbokgung Palace/ Lotte World
I was so excited when I found out that Hannah's mom was coming to Korea. I was also excited because it was the first time since I've been here that I saw Hannah (who has been here for over a year an a half). Anyways we ended up going to Gyeongbokgung Palace and Lotte World. It was a crazy long day but good to see them!
The first pictures of Hannah and her mom at the Express Bus Terminal subway station.
The second gate to the Gyeongbokgung Palace. They were changing the guards right as we got there.
Some of the traditional looking guards. Note the fake beards.
Outside the palace.
Hannah forced me to stand next to the guard for a picture.
The first thing inside the palace walls. Some building I'm not sure what it was used for.
The statue is sticking it's tongue out at what would have been the water that used to run through it. It was to scare away evil spirits.
Where the King sat.
Some cool Dragon thing on the ceiling. The more claws the dragons have the more powerful the King or something. I'm probably getting that all wrong.
A painting that was done over 140 years ago. It's one of the only ones that hasn't been retouched.
Another sitting area for the King.
A place where the King, Queen and military officials would sit and read, reflect or pray.
I forgot what this is but I thought it was pretty.
The place where the King ate. There where always three tables. The biggest one had white rice with 12 side dishes. The second table had red bean rice with all the meats. And the smallest table was just for stews or soups. I think some lady would always sit at the second table and test the meat just to make sure it wasn't poisoned.
The "couch" that the King would sit on. Looks comfy.
The Queen's Garden. She was never allowed to leave the inside of the palace unless it was to move to another palace or ceremonial purposes. So she could look out at her garden for some beauty. Looked kind of sad to me.
Then we went to Lotte World. I didn't get very many pictures here but I love this one. We were waiting in line for literally over an hour for this ride. It was dark and as I took the picture I couldn't tell Hannah was making that face.
Inside Lotte World. There was an indoor and outdoor part to the amusement place.
These are our pink tails.
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